Your Donations Matter!

Please donate your vehicle to us.

HELP US HELP A LOT OF KIDS in dire need.



By participating in our FREE Vehicle Donation Program where YOU get to help us! A major source of our financial support is from vehicle donations. In the process, you may get a great tax advantage yourself.


To Our Friends

To the loving memory of those young people who, due to disease, accidents, overdoses, murders and suicides never got to become adults. You will always live in our hearts. Your untimely passing gives us the responsibility to live our lives doubly well, for we are living it for you, too.

David Lichtenberg 1964

John Finnley 1964

Jimmy McEver 1978

William Ellery Weiss 1996

Andrew Groff 1997

Justin 1997

Guillermo (Frank) Castillo 1998

Victor Jimenez 1998

Matthew Sheperd 1998

Stretch (John) Guinn 1999

Amanda Lynn Vesler 2000

Daren (Sequoia) Dick 2013


Please write to Jason Wittman, the Executive Director with your comments and questions.

Copyright © 1996-2014, Los Angeles Youth Supportive Services, Inc. All rights reserved.